Tel. 01271 870536
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In line with the 2023 new Fire Regulations we would like to point out the following


The postcode for Spreacombe Gardens is EX33 1JA

The what 3 words is – melts.speakers.centrally




Car Charging  - Unformtunatly we are unabe to support the charging of electrical cars on site at this moment in time


Upon your arrival

  • We suggest you take a photo of the ‘In the Event of a Fire’ section of this notice for reference.
  • Get to know the property and familiarise yourself with all possible escape routes and exits.
  • Establish where the fire extinguishers, fire blanket and emergency torches are stored, and check instructions for use.
  • Discuss how you will evacuate the property with your party and agree an assembly point which should be away from the property. Make sure you make any arrangements for vulnerable or disabled adults and children.
  • The smoke alarms are checked regularly, but we suggest that you test them by pressing the button.
  • Please speak to the owner if new batteries are needed for your smoke alarms during your stay.
  • As there is no landline in the premises, it may be beneficial to turn on the ‘WiFi Calling’ setting on your mobile phone.


Avoid unnecessary risks

  • Please take care when cooking.  We would ask that you do not deep-fry.  Please use oven chips.
  • Please do not smoke anywhere in the premises.
  • Please do not use candles, tea lights or ethanol burners anywhere in the premises
  • Never leave saucepans on the stove unattended.
  • Ensure matches are kept out of the reach of children.
  • Make sure all portable heaters are positioned away from flammable materials, i.e., sofas, and do not leave unattended at any time.
  • Do not place items on portable heaters to dry them.

Last Thing at night

  • Check that the cooker and heaters have been turned off.
  • Do not leave the dish washer, washing machine or tumble dryer running whilst you are asleep
  • Avoid using charging devices for phones etc. when you sleep.
  • Close all doors as this would prevent fire and smoke spreading



  • Keep calm.
  • Get everyone out of the property as quickly as possible using the nearest exit.
  • DO NOT waste time retrieving valuables.
  • Close all doors behind you.
  • If possible and safe to do so, tackle the fire using the appliances provided.
    Do not endanger yourself or others by doing so.
  • Check all members of your party are safe at the agreed assembly point.
  • Dial 999 to call the fire service. Quote the property address, postcode EX33 1JA
    and What 3 Words: melts.speakers.centrally
  • Alert any neighbouring guests as necessary
  • Call Georgina or phone the owner on 01271 870536  07947 127682



Car Charging  - Unformtunatly we are unabe to support the charging of electrical cars on site at this moment in time


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